Claim Strength Calculator
Determine your Claim Strength in minutes and get your report emailed to you instantly for free!
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Why have we built this?
Construction claims specialist support was crying out for modernisation and innovation. Instant claim strength clarity does NOT exist anywhere else in the industry – until now.

Our aim is to digitalise the construction industry, providing upfront clarity, and empowering contractors to make informed decisions about claims pursuit, without cost. This prevents cash-straped Contractors from throwing good money after bad.

Our tool will provide highly visual representations of the facts of the claim, minimising lengthy legal jargon, and speeding up resolution.

Knowledge is power, and we wanted to give some of that power back.
Who have we built this for?
Contractors who:

• Face rejected claims & are unsure how to proceed;

• Require swift claim resolution to limit the pull on their resources;

• Rely on repeat business from their clients & wish to avoid conflict/ resolve amicably;

• Cannot afford the cost or time involved with engaging a traditional claims consultancy;

• Wish to undertake a Claim Strength Assessment for a portfolio of projects; a macro appraisal.

• Need to protect themselves against their supply-chain gaining the upper hand in claim preparedness;

• Are disproportionately impacted by the negative cashflow of mounting open claims/ poor client assessments.
Can't wait to speak with us & see how we can support your claim?
Click the button to arrange a discovery call with our commercial/claims team now.
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