Meet The Team

Do you have a few great people on your project team that seem to take the initiative to drive delivery and bring innovative ideas to do things better? Well that’s who our people are.

Florent Berbette

Senior Sourcing Specialist • People Operations

What Drives Him

Florent Is a passionate Talent Acquisition Professional, he is constantly looking for new ways of finding and attracting talent. Being able to work with the latest tools and creating new revolutionary process is really what drives him, and he loves applying a data centric approach to recruitment to be able to understand even deeper the job market.

Backstory and Achievements

Florent was born and grew up in France, before starting to travel around the world in his twenties. He was able to work alongside many cultures in different countries in various industries such as Tech, Banking, Fashion, Food, first in Marketing before doing a career change at 27 years old into Human resources. This allows him to have a more open-minded approach in to finding talent.

Formal Qualifications

• Master’s degree in Brand Marketing at the Strasbourg ISEG Business School

Fun Facts

• Florent used to be a Hairdressing products salesman and can still answer any questions you might have on the topic.

• He speaks French, English, Romanian and a little Portuguese.

• Loves Basketball, skateboard, video games, and recently got into astrophotography.

More of Our Supporting Team

Celine Villa
Fulfilment and Leadership Coach • People Operations
Rory Cavanagh
Video Producer • Marketing
Tiago Vidal
Finance Manager • Finance
Micael Agostinho
Fulfilment and Leadership Coach • People Operations