Meet The Team

Do you have a few great people on your project team that seem to take the initiative to drive delivery and bring innovative ideas to do things better? Well that’s who our people are.

Debbie Paul

Learning Manager • People Operations

What Drives Her

To find out fantastic ways of making things come alive for a learner, keeps Debbie ticking. She exists with the sole purpose of making things relevant and relatable. She cannot function however, without good coffee and the darkest chocolate – 99% is usual.

Backstory and Achievements

Coming from a very academic family teeming with teachers, Debbie thought teaching was a natural career progression, almost genetically handed down. After a couple of years in a mixed school, teaching English to a bunch of insanely naughty 12 year olds, she wisely decided to revisit that understanding. Not that she hated teaching. But she enjoyed writing more. So she decided to explore careers that offered a scope for both. Instructional Design was a natural choice, and her formal initiation to L&D began. After a couple of decades in the business as an Instructional Designer, a facilitator, a coach and a Learning Consultant, she is still learning every single day.

Formal Qualifications

With a BA and an MA degree both in English Literature, she sometimes fails to justify the relevance of both of these to a mechanical, data-driven audience, her husband included. But then again, it has provided her with the tools to make sense of a complex cultural world – made up of real people. It has given her endearing life skills which perhaps she would never otherwise learn.

Fun Facts

• Is passionate about baking – and wishes she had a Cordon Bleu degree.

• Actively participates in tiger conservation and sponsors anti-poaching equipment in the India-Nepal tiger corridors.

• Has spent a lot of time in every possible Tiger Reserve, camping next to salt-licks with professional wildlife photographers, just to catch a glimpse of the magnificent animal.

• Does not drive, and is waiting eagerly for mainstream driverless cars.

More of Our Supporting Team

Trish Keller
Senior Operations Specialist • Operations
Nikka Gilua
Talent Acquisition Specialist • People Operations
Debbie Paul
Learning Manager • People Operations
Richard Rivera
Graphic Designer • Marketing